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10 Important Rules for First Time Visitors to Dubai


For a luxurious, indulgent and romantic getaway from a monotonous life, Dubai is the perfect choice! For anyone visiting solo, or with friends and family, Dubai is your ultimate destination, especially if you appreciate luxurious shopping, glittering skylines and majestic skyscrapers. Over the years, tourists have witnessed a massive transformation which reshaped the city as one of the most progressive regions in the Middle East. However, while visiting this incredible city, there are few things you must remember. So, here are the 10 important rules for first time visitors to Dubai!

  • What you should wear

In Dubai, it is forbidden to wear clothing that’s higher than your knees or to flaunt revealing outfits in public. Since the United Arab Emirates is a non-democratic nation that upholds sharia and Islamic law, you must dress appropriately and remember to cover your shoulders. Furthermore, tourists are advised to wear modest clothes while visiting malls, museums or squares, keeping in mind the conservative mindset of the Emiratis. While leaving the pool, or beach, make sure to wear cover-ups as public indecency might as well land you in a prison and ruin your vacation through and through. 

  • PDA is not allowed

Dubai might be a perfect choice for a romantic getaway with your lover or fiancé but don’t get carried away in a public place, as public display of affection is a criminal offence in Dubai. Holding hands, giving hugs, and kissing someone in public are frowned upon in Dubai, and you risk going to jail if you are seen doing so. The ramifications have already been felt by many foreigners. Avoid getting on the bandwagon. These laws of Dubai for tourists also apply to married couples, as the country has zero tolerance for any kind of physical affection. 

  • Drink Responsibly

Even though drinking is allowed in Dubai, there are certain government restrictions you should keep in mind. Consumption of alcohol is allowed in Dubai if you are a non-Muslim. Furthermore, you should only drink in places which are licensed to serve alcohol. Remember Dubai is not the place for you if you want to drink alcohol in public with your pals or hold a beer can and drink it while walking to the next destination. Both drinking and staying intoxicated in public are illegal, and breaking either one will land you in jail or with fines. To ensure the best possible vacation when visiting Dubai, be sure to steer clear of this.

  • Respect the Royal Family

When visiting a new nation, you will inevitably form certain impressions. If you are visiting Dubai for the first time, you may have preconceived notions about the people, the laws, the royal family, the culture, etc. Yes, it makes sense, but you shouldn't talk about them in public. Openly mocking, criticising, or disparaging the Royal family, politics, culture, laws, or religion in public is not acceptable in Dubai. Even if you weren't, it's treated very seriously, and defaulters face harsh consequences.

  • Ramadan Restrictions

Some regulations must be observed throughout the holy and sacred month of Ramadan, regardless of whether they are travellers, guests, Australians, etc. Since Muslims fast throughout the month of Ramadan, it is required that visitors refrain from eating, chewing, or drinking water in public. Everyone is required to abide by the regulations; otherwise, they risk encountering serious difficulties. Nothing should pass the mouth between dawn and dusk throughout this month. However, you have the option to dine in privacy in your hotel room or at restaurants where the dining area has been screened off so that patrons can eat unseen. Pregnant women and children may eat, but it's best to exercise caution so as not to offend anyone.

  • Cursing in Public

When in Dubai, you should use utmost caution when using language, particularly when interacting with locals or going out in public. During your trip to Dubai, try not to use too much obscene language and to keep all slang, swear words, and vulgarity to yourself. Additionally, avoid saying anything that can be interpreted as derogatory toward Muslims or Islam. In Dubai, it is regarded as a criminal violation that could result in jail time. Furthermore, you would most definitely not want to spend your holiday behind bars!  In Dubai, there exists an Islamic legal system with extremely delicate regulations. As a result, consider your words before speaking. What you deem acceptable in your home nation might not be acceptable in Dubai. As a result, avoid swearing in public in Dubai.

  • Do not take pictures in public

Snapping someone without their consent is one of the many important things you should never do in Dubai. Dubai boasts breathtaking scenery, which may entice you to snap pictures while you explore the city. However, you have to exercise considerable caution when taking photos in Dubai, since locals place a high value on modesty and safety, and you are not permitted to take images of people without their permission, particularly of women and children. Thus, either commit the pictures to memory or concentrate on the surroundings. Taking pictures of people without their consent is considered impolite; this is especially true of native ladies.

  • Loud music is prohibited 

It is strictly forbidden to play loud music in public places. Westerners find this quite acceptable, and they enjoy playing loud music in public places. In Dubai, this is obviously unacceptable. In Dubai, dancing in public is frowned upon in addition to loud music. The locals have a poor view of it. This is something you have to remember when visiting Dubai's tourist attractions. Although there are bars and nightclubs in Dubai, dancing in public is discouraged by the Foreign Office. "Dancing is allowed in the privacy of your home or at licensed clubs," according to the guidance. Dancing and loud music are prohibited in public locations, including parks, beaches, and residential areas, according to the Dubai Code of Conduct. The FCO continues, classifying it as "indecent and provocative".

  • Sharing a Hotel Room

Foreign Office guidelines state that if you are not married or closely related, it is illegal in Dubai to live together or share a hotel room with someone of the other sex. Though travellers are rarely arrested, theoretically, any unmarried couple sleeping in a hotel room together is breaching the law. It is against the law to stay together in Dubai, even in a hotel, if you are travelling from the east or the west. Just living together can result in jail time, fines, and deportation. Therefore, if you're one of those single couples who want to avoid leaving as soon as you check into your hotel in Dubai, make sure you're staying in different hotels. This is the absolute worst thing to do in Dubai, so just stay away from it!

  • Cross Dressing

If you're planning a vacation to Dubai and you cross-dress, things might not go as planned because Dubai is not a very welcoming place for homosexuality. This country has a rule that requires people to dress according to their gender; breaking it could result in police imprisonment. About forty tourists were detained by the authorities in 2008 for the same offence. This is one of the most significant Dubai rules for visitors.

Despite all the laws and rules, Dubai is still a great place for tourists, and if you ever find yourself here, indulge in luxury while staying in the best-serviced apartments in Dubai.


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